英国大学奖学金介绍 林肯大学(University of Lincoln)体育奖学金

林肯大学体育奖学金 - University of Lincoln Sports Scholarship


You must fulfil the normal academic requirements of the course that you are applying for. You would normally participate in a sport that is recognised by Sport England and currently be performing at a National or International level, or be able to demonstrate strong evidence that you have the potential to achieve this standard You should be enthusiastically committed to representing the University of Lincoln and supporting student sport through the AU. You must be prepared to fulfil an ambassadorial role for the University of Lincoln. For sports people meeting the criteria there is up to £1,000 per annum (£1000, £750 and £500 normally) available. In addition to this the performer will receive additional benefits .

授予人数:not specified
申请人专业背景:Sport, Leisure, Hospitality and Tourism
金额:up to £1000
奖学金期限:1 year, renewable

联系林肯大学International Office.
邮箱:[email protected]

Website: www.suuk.org
Email: [email protected]
QQ: (英国)707474988   (国内)150565907
电话: (英国)+ 44(0)8444 930 99   (国内)+ 86(0)400 680 603 (香港)+ 85293304564

2012年1月21日 | 发布:SUUK | 分类:院校信息 | 评论:0
