
UK - Minister of Agriculture George Eustice MP will officially open Livestock Event, the UK industry’s leading show within the sector to be held at The NEC, Birmingham on Wednesday 6 July. He will be responding to queries on the Referendum outcome, whilst the following day, farmers will be able question industry influencers on the EU Vote at an Open Forum with RABDF president, Lord Curry of Kirkharle; NFU president, Meurig Raymond; UKTI Agri-Tech specialist, Clive Blacker and RABDF vice chairman, farmer and cheese producer, Peter Alvis.

农业部长乔治·尤斯蒂思(George Eustice)将正式开启畜牧业活动,英国行业内部主办的展会将在伯明翰国际展览中心(NEC)举办,时间定为7月6日星期三。部长将回答与投票结果相关的问题,农民们能在第二天向在欧盟投票中有重要影响力的人提问,包括英国皇家奶农协会(RABDF)主席洛德·科里(Lord Curry);全国农场主联合会莫里格·雷蒙德(Meurig Raymond);英国贸易投资署(UKTI)农业技术专家兼RABDF副主席与奶酪生产商、Peter Alvis公司的克莱夫·布莱克(Clive Blacker)。


2016年8月11日 | 发布:SUUK | 分类:展会活动 | 评论:0
