英国桑德兰大学University of Sunderland新设带实习的课程

 英国桑德兰大学University of Sunderland新设带商科实习方向的Postgrad和MBA课程

New MBA and Postgrad Business Placement routes for 2019
For September 2019 entry, we are pleased to introduce a number of new MBA and Business Postgraduate routes with placement.
This will include:
-         The existing suite of Masters programmes for 12 month delivery as present
-         MBA with 6 month placement to continue
-         New for September 2019: MBA with 12 month placement (as an extension of the above work and in response to the request for 2 year masters awards)
-         New for September 2019: MBA 2 year taught with PG Cert in Digital Marketing and Analytics or PGCert in HRM (as an alternative to the 12 month placement route)
-         New for September 2019: MSc Human Resource Management with 12 month placement
-         New for September 2019: MA Marketing with 12 month placement
The 2-year MBA taught is to be offered under one CAS, where students undertake an MBA and a specialist PGCert, having 240 credit points assessed over 2 years i.e. 120 in each year in the same way an undergraduate would.
Students who are unsuccessful in securing a placement may either truncate their study or transfer e.g. MBA placement onto MBA 2-year taught.
1. 1500 人民币包英国本地老师写的PS 
2. 2000 人民币包PS 和简历 
3. 3200 人民币包PS,简历和2 封推荐信
1 对1 英国本土外教视频英语课,提供您的英语听力和交流能力以及英文听说的自信,150 人民币/课时(45 分钟)或者280 人民币/课时(60 分钟)。或者可以选择我们的1 对1 英国本土外教雅思口语培训课程,280 人民币/课时(60分钟)
QQ: 1830621058/707474988 
微信公众号:英国学子SUUK (suuk_uk) 


2019年4月24日 | 发布:SUUK | 分类:院校信息 | 评论:0
