英国约克大学University of York补录和Adjustment调剂接受Alevel和IB成绩专业名单


英国约克大学University of York补录Clearing和Adjustment调剂接受Alevel和IB成绩专业名单如下,其他同等成绩也可接受咨询。部分课程可能需要特定的A-level或GCSE成绩要求。


·  Computer Science - ABB or 34 points in the IB Diploma

·  Economics and Related Studies - ABB or 34 points in the IB Diploma

·  Education - BBC or 31 points in the IB Diploma

·  Electronic Engineering - BBC or 31 points in the IB Diploma

·  Psychology - AAB or 35 points in the IB Diploma

·  York Law School - AAB or 35 points in the IB Diploma

·  York Management School - BBB or 31 points in the IB Diploma


·  Archaeology - BBC or 34 points in the IB

·  Biochemistry - AAB or 35 points in the IB

·  Biology - BBC or 30 points in the IB Diploma

·  Chemistry - AAB or 35 points in the IB Diploma

·  Criminology - BBB or 31 points in the IB Diploma

·  English and Related Literature - ABB or 34 points in the IB Diploma

·  Environment - BBC or 30 points in the IB Diploma

·  History - BBB or 34 points in the IB Diploma

·  History of Art - BBC or 30 points in the IB Diploma

·  Language and Linguistic Science - BBC or 30 points in the IB Diploma

·  Mathematics - ABB or 34 points in the IB Diploma

·  Music - BBB or 31 points in the IB Diploma

·  Natural Sciences AAA or 36 points in the IB Diploma

·  Philosophy - BBC or 31 points in the IB Diploma

·  Physics - BBC or 30 points in the IB Diploma

·  Politics - AAB or 34 points in the IB Diploma

·  Politics, Economics and Philosophy - ABB or 31 points in the IB Diploma

·  Social Policy - BBC or 30 points in the IB Diploma

·  Social Work - BBB or 31 points in the IB Diploma

·  Social and Political Sciences - BBC or 30 points in the IB Diploma

·  Sociology - BBC or 30 points in the IB Diploma

·  Theatre: Writing, Directing and Performance - AAA or 36 points in the IB Diploma


1. 150 英镑/1500 人民币包英国本地老师写的 PS
2. 200 英镑/2000 人民币包 PS 和简历
3. 1 对 1 英国本土外教视频英语课,提高您的英语听力和交流能力以及英文听说的自信,160 人民币(18 英镑)/课时(45 分钟)或者 280 人民币/课时(60 分钟)。或者可以选择我们的 1 对 1 英国本土外教雅思口语培训课程,280 人民币/课时(60 分钟)。
4. 论文修改:40 英镑起
5. 学生公寓免费预订
联系人:吴老师;QQ:1830621058;微信:suuklz;邮箱:[email protected]/[email protected]

2019年8月16日 | 发布:SUUK | 分类:院校信息 | 评论:0
