英国谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学(Sheffield Hallam University)春季入学硕士专业名单

MSc Technical Architecture [技术建筑]

MA Design (Packaging Design) [设计: 包装设计]
MSc Biotechnology [生物技术]
MSc Molecular and Cell Biology [分子与细胞生物学]
MSc Pharmacology and Biotechnology [药理学和生物技术]
MSc International Business Management [国际商务管理]
MSc Managing Global Business [管理全球商务]
Grduate Diploma in Business and English [商务与英语硕士预科]
MBA [工商硕士管理]
MSc Enterprise Systems Professional [企业系统专业]
MSc Information Systems Security [信息系统安全]
MSc Information Technology [信息技术]
MSc Technical Consulting [技术咨询]
MSc Database Professional (Incorporating Oracle Certificate Training) [专业数据库(包含Oracle认证培训)]
MSc Web and Cloud Computing [网络与和云计算]
MSc Networking Professional (Cisco) [网络专业(Cisco)]
MSc Software Engineering [软件工程]
MSc Construction Management [建筑工程]
MSc Project Management [项目管理]
MSc Computer and Network Engineering [计算机与网络工程]
MSc Advanced Design Engineering [高级设计工程]
MSc Electronics and Information Technology [电子与信息技术]
MSc Telecommunication and Electronic Engineering [电信和电子工程]
MSc Advanced Engineering and Management [高级工程与管理]
MSc Advanced Manufacturing Engineering [高等制造工程]
MAB Industrial Management [工商硕士管理-工业管理]
MSc Advanced Materials Engineering [高等材料工程]
MSc Advanced Engineering [高等工程]
MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering [高等机械工程]
MA Writing [写作]
MSc International Events and Conference Management [国际展会与会议管理]
MSc International Hosptality and Tourism Management [国际酒店与旅游管理]
MSc International Hosptality Management [国际酒店管理]
MSc International Marketing [国际营销]
MA Cultural Policy and Management [文化政策与管理]
MSc Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration) [职业治疗]
MSc Applying Physiotherapy [应用物理治疗]
MSc Urban Regeneration [城市重建]
MSc Health Psychology [健康心理学]
MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management [物流与供应链管理]
QQ: 707474988
发布:英国学子教育 www.suuk.org
2011年1月3日 | 发布:SUUK | 分类:留学资讯 | 评论:0
