英国伦敦玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary University of London)PhD奖学金信息
英国伦敦玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary University of London)PhD奖学金信息
Queen Mary,University of London - Research training and PhD studentships
The Department is recognised by the ESRC for full-time, part-time and CASE PhD studentships. Its MSc programmes have been recognised under the ESRC’s 1+3 funding regime, enabling those who wish to continue on from their MA/MSc degrees to doctoral research. The Department has a good completion record for ESRC funded doctoral research and receives AHRC and NERC studentship funding. In addition, the Department offers Queen Mary University of London College Studentships which are open to international students as well as home/EU students.
金额:fees + maintenance grant
奖学金数量:not specified
专业背景:Sciences: Pure and Applied * geography| Humanities * geography
针对学生:All,EU excluding UK,United Kingdom,all,Overseas
Website: www.suuk.org
Email: [email protected]
QQ: (英国)707474988 (国内)150565907
电话: (英国)+ 44(0)8444 930 99 (国内)+ 86(0)400 680 603 (香港)+ 852 93304564