英国威斯敏斯特大学 (University of Westminster) 2016年春季硕士申请



LLM International Commercial Law
LLM Corporate Finance Law
LLM International Law
LLM International and Commercial Dispute Resolution Law
MA Conflict Prevention, Dispute Resolution
MSc Air Transport Planning and Management
MA Cultural & Critical Studies
MA International Relations & Democratic Politics
MA International Relations & Security
MA International Relations ? MA International Liaison & Communication
MA English Language and Literature
MA English Language and Linguistics
MA English Language and Creative Writing
MA Creative Writing: Writing the City
MA English Literature: Modern and Contemporary Fictions
MA Human Resource Management
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Finance, Banking and Insurance
MSc Investment and Risk Finance
MSc Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
MA International Business and Management
MA Marketing Management
MA Marketing Communications
MA Management
MA Energy and Environmental Change
MA Art and Visual Culture
MA Museums, Galleries and Contemporary Culture



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