英国德比大学(University of Derby)春季入学课程免费申请

英国德比大学(University of Derby)是一所充满活力与现代气息的高等教育机构,德比大学提供下列一月开学的本科和硕士的课程:

College of Arts 艺术学院
MA Fashion and Textiles
MA Fine Art
MA Music Production
MA Visual Communication
College of Law & Social Sciences法律和社会科学学院 
PG Cert Understanding Radicalisation
College of Business商学院 
BSc (Hons) Logistics Management (Top Up)      UN1AW
BA (Hons) International Business (Top Up)
BA (Hons) Banking and Finance (Top-up)
BA (Hons) International Business and Finance (Top-up)
MSc Marketing Management
MSc Supply Chain Improvement
MSc International Business
MSc International Business & Finance
MSC International Business & HRM
MSc International Business & Marketing* 
MBA Global
Department of Hotel, Resort and Spa Management酒店,度假村和水疗管理
BA (Hons) International Tourism Management (Top-up)
MSc International Hospitality Management
MSc Tourism Management
MSc International Spa Management
MSc Events Management
College of Health 健康学院 
MSc Mental Health and Wellbeing    MB7AJ
MPhil/PhD Health and Social Care
College of Education 教育学院 
MA Education
College Engineering and Technology 工程与技术学院  

Architectural Technology and Practice BSc  K130
Interior Architecture and Venue Design BA
Civil Engineering and Construction 土木工程与建筑
Civil Engineering FdEng
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering BEng (Hons)  H291 /H292
Construction FdSc
Construction Management and Property Development BSc (Hons)
Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management BSc (Hons) (Subject to validation)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering电气与电子工程 
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BSc (Hons)

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering机械与制造工程 
BEng (Hons) Manufacturing and Production Engineering
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
BEng (Hons) Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Motorsport Engineering赛车工程 
Motorsport Engineering FdEng    h303
Motorsport Engineering BEng (Hons)
Motorsport and Motorcycle Manufacturing Engineering BEng (Hons)
MSc Advanced Computer Networks
MSc Audio Engineering
MSc Big Data Analytics
MSc Building Information Modelling and Project Collaboration
MSc Civil Engineering and Construction Management
MSc Control and Instrumentation
MSc Cyber Security
MSc Digital Forensics and Computer Security
MSc Information Technology
MSc Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
MSc Mobile App Development
MSc Motorsport Engineering
MSc Professional Engineering
MSc Strategic Engineering Management
MSc Sustainable Architecture and Healthy Buildings
College of Life and Natural Sciences生命与自然科学学院 
MSc Conservation Biology
MSc Environmental Assessment and Control
MSc Applied Acoustics

衔接春季入学主课的Pre-sessional English 课程:

Degree 课程雅思要求6.5的语言课程:

Degree 课程雅思要求6.0的语言课程:

更多英国留学信息欢迎访问英国学子教育SUUK官网: www.suuk.org

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