









格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow),位于英国苏格兰地区的格拉斯哥市,始建于1451年,世界百强名校,英语世界国家第四古老的大学,罗素大学集团和Universitas 21成员。


经济学之父亚当·斯密、工业革命之父詹姆斯·瓦特、苏格兰哲学之父弗兰西斯·哈奇森、热力学之父开尔文男爵,现代抗菌药之父约瑟夫·李斯特,中国近代地质学之父丁文江, 英国首相亨利·坎贝尔·班纳曼和安德鲁·博纳·劳,现任苏格兰首席部长尼古拉·斯特金,加拿大麦吉尔大学创办人詹姆斯·麦吉尔等大批杰出校友均为社会的发展进步做出了贡献。




MSc Aerospace Engineering

MSc Aerospace Engineering & Management

MSc Biomedical Engineering

MTh Church History & Theology

MSc Civil Engineering

MSc Civil Engineering & Management

MSc Electronics & Electrical Engineering

MSc Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Management

MSc Electronics & Photonics Manufacturing

MSc Mechanical Engineering

MSc Mechanical Engineering & Management

MSc Mechatronics

MSc Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

MSc Sustainable Energy


考文垂大学(Coventry University)是一所坐落于英国英格兰西米德兰兹郡考文垂的公立研究型大学,为江苏—英国高水平大学联盟 (JS-UK 20+20 World-Class University Consortium)成员。




Faculty of Engineering,Environment&Computing

Faculty of Business &Law


牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes University)始建于1865年。





伦敦玛丽女王大学 QS排名 125

MSc Banking and Finance

MSc Management

MSc Marketing(有可能会取消,暂时未确定)

约克大学 QS排名 162

MSc Nursing (Adult)-2 years

MSc Nursing (Mental Health)-2 years

阿伯丁大学 QS排名 220

MSc Archaeology

MSc Archaeology of the North

MSc Cultural Heritage

MSc Geographical Information Systems

MSc Geophysics

MSc Oil and Gas Enterprise Management

MSc Planetary Sciences

MSc Sustainability Transitions

LLM Business Law and Sustainable Development with Dissertation

LLM Criminal Justice

LLM Criminal Justice and Human Rights

LLM Energy and Environmental Law with Dissertation

LLM Energy and Environmental Law with Professional Skills

LLM/MSc Energy Economics and Law

LLM Energy Law with Dissertation

LLM Energy Law with Professional Skills

LLM General Law

LLM Human Rights and Criminal Justice

LLM Intellectual Property Law

LLM Intellectual Property Law with Professional Skills

LLM International Commercial Law with Dissertation

LLM International Commercial Law with Professional Skills

LLM International Dispute Resolution

LLM International Human Rights

LLM International Law

LLM International Law and International Relations

LLM International Law, Security and Strategic Studies

LLM International Trade Law

LLM International Trade Law and Treaty Negotiation with Professional Skills

LLM Natural Resources Law

LLM Oil and Gas Law with Dissertation

LLM Oil and Gas Law with Professional Skills

LLM Public International Law

MRes/MSc Environmental Science

MLitt Creative Writing

MSc Cultural and Creative Communication

MLitt English Language and Literature

MLitt Film, Visual Culture and Arts Management

MSc Global Business Communication

MLitt Literatures, Environments and Places

MMus Music

MSc TESOL-Teaching English to Speakers of Others

MSc Translating and Interpreting Studies

MSc Translation Studies

MSc Global Health and Management

MPH Master of Public Health

MSc Medical Imaging

MSc Medical Physics

MSc Microbiology

MSc Physician Associate Studies

MSc Global Health and Management

MPH Master of Public Health

MSc Medical Imaging

MSc Medical Physics

MSc Microbiology

MSc Physician Associate Studies

MSc Advanced Energy Materials

MSc Artificial Intelligence

MSc Data Science

MSc Information Technology

MSc Psychological Studies

MSc Energy Politics and Law

MSc International Finance and Political Relations

MSc International Political Economy

MSc International Relations

MSc International Relations and International Law

MSc International Relations and Management

MLitt Museum Studies

MSc Peace and Conflict Studies

MSc Policy Evaluation

MSc Sex, Gender, Violence

MRes Social Anthropology

MRes Social Science

MSc Sociology

MSc Strategic Studies

MSc Strategic Studies and Energy Security

MSc Strategic Studies and International Law

MSc Strategic Studies and Management

拉夫堡大学 QS排名 256

London Campus:

MA/MSc Design Innovation

MSc Diplomacy and International Governance

MSc Diplomacy, Business and Trade

MSc Diplomacy, Politics and Trade

MSc Security, Peace-building and Diplomacy

MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

MSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation

MSc Digital Entrepreneurship

MA Global Communication and Social Change

MA Media and Creative Industries

MSc Sport Marketing

MSc International Management

MSc International Human Resource Management

MSc International Management & Emerging Economies

MSc Risk, Governance & International Management

MA International Development

MSc International Sustainable Development

赫瑞瓦特大学 QS排名 281

MSc Artificial Intelligence

MSc Artificial Intelligence(2 years)

MSc Computing(2 years)

MSc Data Science

MSc Data Science(2 years)

MSc Robotics

MSc Software Engineering

MSc Business Psychology

MSc Business Psychology with Human Resource Management

MSc Business Psychology with Intercultural Communication

MSc Civil Engineering and Construction Management

MSc Civil Engineering with Industry Placement(2 years)

MSc Construction Project Management with Industry Placement(2 year)

MSc Design Management

MA Digital Design and Innovation

MA Fashion and Textiles Design

MSc Fashion and Textiles Management

MA Interior Architecture and Design

MSc Energy

MSc Global Environmental Change and Policy

MSc Global Sustainability Engineering

MSc International Business Management

MSc International Business Management with Finance

MSc International Business Management with HRM

MSc International Business Management with Industry Placement

MSc International Business Management with Marketing

斯特拉斯克莱德大学 QS排名 325

MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering

MSc Advanced Construction Technologies & BIM

MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering

MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Aerospace

MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Energy Systems

MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Materials

MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Power Plant Technologies

MSc Advanced Naval Architecture

MSc Biomedical Engineering

MSc Civil Engineering with specialist streams

MSc Electronic & Electrical Engineering

MSc Engineering Management for Process Excellence

MSc Environmental Engineering

MSc Marine Engineering

MSc Mechatronics & Automation

MSc Offshore Floating Systems

MSc Satellite Data for Sustainable Development

MSc Ship & Offshore Structures

MSc Subsea & Pipeline Engineering

MSc Supply Chain & Logistics Management

MSc Supply Chain & Procurement Management

MSc Supply Chain & Sustainability Management

MSc Sustainable Engineering: Marine Technology

MSc Sustainable Engineering: Offshore Renewable Energy

MSc Technical Ship Management

MSc Counselling & Psychotherapy

MSc Criminology & Social Policy

MSc Education Studies

MLitt Media & Communication

MSc TESOL & Intercultural Communication

MSc Advanced Computer Science

MSc Advanced Software Engineering

MBA, full-time Glasgow

MSc Business Analysis & Consulting

MSc Business & Management

MSc Finance

MSc International Management

MSc International Accounting & Finance

MSc Marketing

邓迪大学 QS排名 354

MSc Accountancy

MSc Accounting, Management and Strategy

MSc Accounting & Finance

MRes Business Research Methods

MSc Finance and Banking

MSc Finance

MSc Finance and Investment

MSc Finance and Risk

MSc International Business

MSc International Banking, Finance and Investment Management

MSc International Banking and Finance

MSc International Banking

MSc International Accounting

MSc International Business and Strategy

MSc International Business and Human Resource Management

MSc International Business, Accounting and Finance

MSc International Business and Investment

MSc International Business and Finance

MSc International Business and Marketing

MSc International Business and Entrepreneurship

MSc International Business and Management

MSc International Business, Marketing and Human Resource Management

MSc International Business, Banking and Finance

MFin International Finance and Investment Management

MFin International Finance, Risk and Regulation

MFin International Finance

MSc Islamic Banking, Finance and International Business

MSc Islamic Banking and Finance

MSc Islamic Finance

MSc Management and International Human Resource Management

MSc Management and Finance

MSc Management

MSc Management and International Marketing

MSc Management and Entrepreneurship

MSc Management, Strategic and Leadership

MSc Professional Accountancy

MSc International Marketing and Branding

MSc Digital and Social Media Marketing

MSc International Marketing and Management

MSc International Marketing and Finance

MSc International Marketing

MSc Business Analytics

MEd Education(Leading Learning & Teaching)

MEd Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages-TESOL

MSc Psychological Therapy in Primary Care

MSc Spatial Planning with Sustainable Urban Design

MSc Data Science & Engineering

MSc Educational Assistive Technology

MSc Human Anatomy

MSc Industrial Engineering and International Finance

MSc Industrial Engineering and Management

MSc Industrial Engineering and Entrepreneurship

MSc Medical Imaging

MSc Biomedical Engineering

LLM Business & Human Rights

LLM Corporate & Commercial Law

LLM Comparative & European Private International Law(Dual Qualifying-University of Toulouse)

LLM Environmental Law

LLM International Commercial Law(Dual Qualifying-CY Cergy Paris University)

LLM International Commercial Law

LLM International Energy Law and Policy

MSc International Energy Commerce

MSc International Energy Commerce and Finance

MSc International Energy Studies and Oil and Gas Economics

MSc International Energy Studies and Energy Finance

MSc International Energy Studies and Energy Economics

LLM International Oil and Gas Law and Policy

LLM International Mineral Law and Policy

MSc International Mineral Resource Management

MSc International Oil and Gas Management

LLM Law(General)

MSc Sustainability and Water Security

MSc Sustainability

MSc Sustainability and Renewables

MSc Sustainability and the Just Transition to a Low Carbon Economy

MSc Sustainability and Environmental Modelling

LLM The Low Carbon Just Transition

MSc Sustainability: Climate Change and the Green Economy

LLM Comparative & European Private International Law

伦敦皇家霍洛威大学 QS排名 402

Royal Holloway London Graduate School:

MSc Cyber Security Project Management

MSc Software Project Management

MSc Project Management

MSc Engineering Management

MSc Digital Marketing


MSc International Business Management (Strategy and Leadership)

MSc International Business Management

MSc International Business Management (Marketing)


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