


商学院Business School

Accounting and Finance MSc

Banking Innovation and Risk Analytics MSc

Business Analytics MSc

Climate Change Finance and Investment MSc

Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc

Finance MSc

Finance, Technology and Policy MSc

Global Strategy & Sustainability MSc

Human Resource Management MSc

International Human Resource Management MSc

Management MSc

Marketing MSc

Marketing and Business Analysis MSc





商学院Alliance Manchester Business School

MSc Accounting

MSc Accounting and Finance

MSc Finance

MSc Quantitative Finance

MSc International Business and Management

MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management

MSc Management

MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

MSc Digital Marketing

MSc Marketing

MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management

MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis

MSc Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

MSc International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations

MSc Organisational Psychology

MSc Business Psychology

环发学院School of Environment, Education and Development

MSc Development Economics and Policy

MSc Development Finance

MSc Global Development (Development Management)

MSc Global Development (Globalisation,Trade & Industry)

MSc Human Resource Development (International Development)

MSc Human Resource Management (International Development)

MSc International Development: Public Policy and Management

MSc Management and Implementation of Development Projects

MSc Management and Information Systems: Change and Development

MA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education

MA Educational Leadership

MA International Education (Globalisation and International Development)

MA International Education (Higher Education)

MA International Education

MA International Education (TESOL)

MEd Psychology of Education

MSc Real Estate Asset Management

MSc Real Estate Development

MSc Urban Design and International Planning

社科学院School of Social Sciences

MA Economics

MSc Economics

MSc Financial Economics

LLM Corporate Governance

LLM Healthcare Ethics and Law

LLM Intellectual Property Law

LLM International Business and Commercial Law

LLM International Economic Law

LLM International Financial Law


LLM Public International Law

LLM Security and International Law

LLM Transnational Dispute Resolution

MA Political Economy (Standard Route)

MA International Relations (Standard)

MA Visual Anthropology

MSc Social Research Methods and Statistics

MA International Political Economy (Standard)

MSc Data Science (Social Analytics)

MSc Data Science (Applied Urban Analytics)

MSc Data Science (Business and Management)

MSc Data Science (Environmental Analytics)

MSc Data Science (Mathematics)





因申请量过大,布里斯托大学针对2023年9月入学的下述专业已经开启hold pool模式,相应申请有被on hold或者无法拿到offer的风险:

MSc International Business and Strategy: Global Challenges

MSc Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)

MSc Management (Project Management)

MSc Advanced Composites


MSc Human Resource Management and theFuture of Work

MSc Management (Marketing)

MSc Management

MSc Marketing


数学学院School of Mathematics

Data Science and Analytics MSc

Statistics MSc

Statistics with Applications to Finance MSc

电子电气工程学院School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Communications and Signal Processing MSc (Eng)

Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems MSc (Eng)

Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc(Eng)

Embedded Systems Engineering MSc (Eng)

Engineering Technology and Business Management MSc (Eng)

Mechatronics and Robotics MSc (Eng)

计算机学院School of Computing

Advanced Computer Science MSc

Advanced Computer Science (Cloud Computing) MSc

Advanced Computer Science (Data Analytics) MSc

Advanced Computer Science (ArtificialIntelligence) MSc

地球环境学院School of Earth and Environment

Ecological Economics MSc

Environment and Development MSc

Sustainability and Business MSc

Sustainability and Consultancy MSc

Sustainable Cities MSc

土木工程学院School of Civil Engineering

Engineering Project Management MSc (Eng)

International Construction Management and Engineering MSc (Eng)





MSc Management

MSc Management (Entrepreneurship)

MSc Management (Finance)

MSc Human Resource Management (HRM)

MSc Management (International Business)

MSc Management (Supply Chain Logistics)

MSc Marketing

此外,杜伦大学商学院(DUBS)和 Faculty of Social Sciences and Health 的PGT课程不再要求推荐信(Mastersin Social Work除外)。


数字人文研究院The Digital Humanities Institute

MA Digital Culture and Communication

MA Cultural Data Management and Communication



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