英国最好的商学院指南 - best business schools in UK

Newcastle University Business School
- Placed in the world's top 100 for its full time MBA in the EIU 2009 rankings.
- Newcastle University is a member of the Russell Group which represents the UK's leading research-intensive universities.
- In terms of overall satisfaction, the University is ranked by its international students to be 7th in the world (International Student Barometer 2008 Survey).

Kingston Business School
- A leading provider of management and business education for business professionals.
- It is the first business school globally to receive triple AMBA accreditation for its MBA, pre-experience MA in Business Management and DBA.
- Ranked as one of the top ten modern universities in the nation.

Manchester Metropolitan University
- The MBA programmes (full & part time) are accredited by the Association of MBAs.
- It was first to introduce a full-time degree in Retail Marketing Management.
- In the 2000/01 review by the UK government's Quality Assurance Agency, MMUBS was awarded 23/24 ('excellent') for the quality of its teaching.

Kent Business School
- Top 3 in the UK for Student Satisfaction in Accounting & Finance (NSS 2008).
- It is a member of EMFD and the Association of Business Schools (ABS).
- It successfully moved up 31 places in the December 2008 Research Rankings.

Hull University Business School
- The Business School received endorsement from both EQUIS (the European Quality Improvement System) and AMBA.
- With world-class facility in global logistics, supply chain management and related technologies.
- The School has been given a score of 23/24 in the QAA review.

Bradford University School of Management
- The Distance Learning MBA program has been placed among the top 10 in the world by the Economist.
- No. 6 in the world for offering students value for money (FT).
- Rated as the No. 1 business school in the north of England, and among the world's top 80 programmes (The Financial Times executive part-time MBA ranking).

European School of Economics
- The school offers degree programmes which are validated by University of Buckingham.
- It offers a variety of specialisation courses such as Event Management, Entrepreneurship, etc.
- Buckingham was rated the top university for student satisfaction in Britain by Hefce.

List of other prestigious business schools in the UK:

Ashridge Business School, Hertfordshire
Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham
Birmingham Business School University of Birmingham
Cambridge University, Judge Business School
Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University
Cass Business School, London
Coventry University Business School
Cranfield School of Management
Doncaster Business School Doncaster College, Doncaster
University of Glasgow
Durham Business School, Durham University, Durham, England
European Business School London London
Glamorgan Business School, University of Glamorgan, Wales
Henley Business School (HMC)
Huddersfield University Business School
Huron University USA in London
Imperial College Business School
Lancaster University Management School (LUMS)
Leeds University Business School, Leeds
London Business School (LBS)
London School of Economics and Political Science
London School of Business and Finance (LSBF)
Middlesex University Business School London
Manchester Business School
Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Business School (NTU)
Nottingham University Business School
Open University Business School
Oxford Brookes University Business School
Oxford Said Business School
Royal Holloway, University of London School of Management
Salford Business School, University of Salford
School of Management and Business, Aberystwyth University
Sheffield Hallam University
University College Cork, College of Business & Law
University College of Swansea
University of Bath School of Management
University of Bradford School of Management
University of Edinburgh Business School
University of Exeter School of Business and Economics
University of Greenwich, The Business School, London
University of Leicester, University of Leicester Management Centre
University of Portsmouth The Portsmouth Business School, Portsmouth
University of Reading Business School, Reading
University of Southampton
University of St. Andrews, School of Management, Scotland
University of Strathclyde Graduate School of Business
Warwick Business School
Webster Graduate School
Schiller International University


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